I had posted that my magical coconut oil plus baking soda combo started to cause redness and rawness under my armpit after about 8 weeks. It could be the abrasiveness of the baking soda? Or a PH reaction to the baking soda? I'm not sure. All I know is that I was bummed that my awesome find didn't last too long.
Tyler shared this awesome recipe with me that's "strong enough for a hippie." And yes, it's true. I wore it all month and didn't feel unfresh once.
Here are the ingredients to Smells Like Green Spirit by Lesley Clayton:
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 1 1/2 teaspoons grapeseed oil
- 3/4 teaspoon shea butter
- 3/4 teaspoon vegetable glycerin
- 3 drops each peppermint, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, and rosemary essential oils
Combine the grapeseed oil, shea butter, and vegetable glycerin and microwave for 5 to 10 seconds until the shea butter has melted and the mixture has a uniform consistency. Stir in the baking soda and essential oils and store it in an airtight container.
This portion above lasted me exactly one month and I really love it. The pepper mint actually makes my armpits feel fresh, and not just smell fresh.
I think the heating part helped dissolve the baking soda and I didn't have the reaction above this time around.
For the next bit, this is what I'm using until I have to "trick" my armpits with a new mix of oils.
For the next bit, this is what I'm using until I have to "trick" my armpits with a new mix of oils.