Sunday, April 25, 2010

Green Living Show

Thanks to my kind brother who gave me two free tickets to the Green Living Show, Keith and I were able to head down today and check things out.

Green Cricket is the company that gave my brother the free tickets as my brother's company Petra is going to be distributing their stuff shortly.

I didn't know this until just now as I'm blogging, and the Green Cricket booth is one of the ones that Keith and I stopped at and chatted to the lady with. We liked! They had really great children's toys as well as body care products. I tried their pomegranate lotion, smelled so good! Check it out if you're looking for fun green gifts, you're sure to find something neat!

Our favorite part was the food. Ha!
Surprise surprise.

We paid $10 and got 5 food tickets and went around to the different stations and got:
- a juicy beef rib with amazing sauce and a stewed carrot and potato
- baked beans
- feta, tomato, red pepper and yummy crunchy thing salad
- and a cannelloni roll with homemade ricotta cheese

It was really good. Everything tasted so clean. If clean is a possible thing to taste. It made me excited to cook with whole foods!

Our only purchase other than food was a slow cooker cook book. There were tons of recipes for meals, appetizers and desserts in it and I'm excited about using it once we move in and start our new life together shortly. It'll be fun to follow the recipes and use delicious fresh ingredients!

It was really neat walking around, we made to sure to at least walk past every booth, we stopped at a bunch as well. It was really neat to see all of the ways and products that help reduce waste, are chemical-free, wholesome and a lot of the times, just plain creative and innovative. I'm liking these minds out there.

Picked up a few samples of things we'd like to try as well as took some business cards and pamphlets of companies we're interested in.

Good times!

Here are some booths we visited and either were interested in their project, or just liked what they were doing!

Benjamin Moore Natura :we got a plantable bookmark from them, pretty cool. And we really like their Natura paints. If we painted, we'd probably go with them.

Gimme5 :a fun way for kids to get their nutrients in! We're kiddish. We liked this booth. And took some yummy mushroom samples from them. Also got cool bookmarks to put on our fridge so we can always make sure to get our 5 colours of foods in everyday.

Green Cricket: mentioned above

Traditional Medicinals: we got free tea samples from them, Organic Nighty Night and Organic Chamomile with Lavender

Yup : Cardboard furniture!

Bronte Creek Organic Gardener: This grass was so neat! This is Keith's description of the grass: "It was so thin, but thick and soft and tangled." It felt so cushiony, almost spongy. So neat. Definitely would think about that if we ever had grass. And not just a balcony.

Fair Trade Jewellery Co. : Wedding bands here we come? Maybe...we'll see about pricing. If not, Malaysia here we come!

A good day!

- Beka

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mama Goode

It has arrived! My first order of Mama Goode products were in my mailbox yesterday. Hand delivered too as I had cutely and individually wrapped bottles and containers right with a letter in my mailbox.

I ordered:
-Hair Gel
and got a free:
-Conditioner rinse

All of these are home remedies and I can swallow them all and no wrong is done to my body! The ingredients are things like baking soda, shea butter, peppermint oils, lemon etc. All that natural good stuff.

So far, I've washed my hair with the shampoo, used the conditioner cleanse, applied the deodorant and brushed my teeth with the toothpaste. I'll get Keith to use the hair gel soon and let him blog about what he thinks about it.

The Toothpaste:
So far the toothpaste made my mouth feel very fresh and clean. I got their peppermint and it smells quite strong, clears the nostrils! Once I used it, I wouldn't say the taste is very pepperminty though, the baking soda is the most tasted and I could also taste a soapy taste. At first, it was a bit weird, but after I rinsed, my mouth felt amazing. Very fresh and clean.

The Deodorant:
The deodorant seems to me working! This is something I'm excited about. My body is very picky about deodorants. And shampoos. Very picky. I'll talk about the shampoo in a bit. It's 3:08pm and I put the deodorant on around 11am and I smell good. Trust me, this is amazing for me and armpits and natural deodorants. It's been so hard for me to find truly natural deodorants that actually work. I hope this is it! I'll keep using it and update my thoughts, but so far, so good! I just take a pea-size amount and rub it into my armpits after a shower. Easy to use, and a better consistency than some others ones I've tried. I feel like with this one, I can apply it later on in the day if needed and it's not awkward. [I found Lush's cream deodorant awkward in this sense. That's a whole other story. I will blog about Lush another time.]

The Shampoo and Rinse:
The shampoo and rinse I used this morning, doesn't seem to be working on my hair type. But I will keep giving it a chance and see what works for me. It shampoo smells nice in the bottle, very natural smelling but quite pleasant. The rinse smells a bit weird only because it has vinegar and lemon in it. Again, I love that all of these products are edible! I feel great knowing that I'm not rubbing chemicals into my body and no chemicals are being washed down the drain into the sewers and lakes from my tub. While I don't think this shampoo will work with my hair type (I have to wash it everyday as it gets quite greasy...I have straight, flat hair...) I still think it could be a product that works for someone with dryer hair. And the ingredients are completely wholesome.

I like that Mama Goode is Canadian and even more so, Ontarioan. Yes. That's now a word. To find out more about Mama Goode, her family, her products and what made her go all-natural, check out her website, it's a very neat story:

Keith sent me a Star article that was done on them a few weeks ago which is how I came to know about her and what she does.

That's it for Mama Goode for the moment, over and out!

- Beka

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our first post

I had a thought yesterday about starting another blog. The idea came from many conversations Keith and I have had over the past 2 years or so since we've been a "couple" and how we've recently been approaching married life and have decided to be as chemical-free as we can be.

I think a big kick came last year when I learned that our skin is the largest organ in our body. And that scared made me think, what am I putting on my skin??
So since learning that, I've tried, without complete success, but very close, to have a don't-put-anything-on-my-skin-that-I-wouldn't-put-in-my-mouth philosophy. So shampoos, soaps, creams and all that jazz have been as chemical-free as possible which has led to discovering more and more ways to live environmentally conscious as well as keeping our bodies from harmful things around us.

We've read a lot of articles, had many conversations and have tried a number of different products and have decided to eat and buy as chemical-free as possible. We're going to use this blog to share articles and recipes and things that we've done and do to live with this kind of lifestyle as well as things that we learn and discover along the way.

So, there it is!

- Beka