It has arrived! My first order of Mama Goode products were in my mailbox yesterday. Hand delivered too as I had cutely and individually wrapped bottles and containers right with a letter in my mailbox.
I ordered:
-Hair Gel
and got a free:
-Conditioner rinse
All of these are home remedies and I can swallow them all and no wrong is done to my body! The ingredients are things like baking soda, shea butter, peppermint oils, lemon etc. All that natural good stuff.
So far, I've washed my hair with the shampoo, used the conditioner cleanse, applied the deodorant and brushed my teeth with the toothpaste. I'll get Keith to use the hair gel soon and let him blog about what he thinks about it.
The Toothpaste:
So far the toothpaste made my mouth feel very fresh and clean. I got their peppermint and it smells quite strong, clears the nostrils! Once I used it, I wouldn't say the taste is very pepperminty though, the baking soda is the most tasted and I could also taste a soapy taste. At first, it was a bit weird, but after I rinsed, my mouth felt amazing. Very fresh and clean.
The Deodorant:
The deodorant seems to me working! This is something I'm excited about. My body is very picky about deodorants. And shampoos. Very picky. I'll talk about the shampoo in a bit. It's 3:08pm and I put the deodorant on around 11am and I smell good. Trust me, this is amazing for me and armpits and natural deodorants. It's been so hard for me to find truly natural deodorants that actually work. I hope this is it! I'll keep using it and update my thoughts, but so far, so good! I just take a pea-size amount and rub it into my armpits after a shower. Easy to use, and a better consistency than some others ones I've tried. I feel like with this one, I can apply it later on in the day if needed and it's not awkward. [I found Lush's cream deodorant awkward in this sense. That's a whole other story. I will blog about Lush another time.]
The Shampoo and Rinse:
The shampoo and rinse I used this morning, doesn't seem to be working on my hair type. But I will keep giving it a chance and see what works for me. It shampoo smells nice in the bottle, very natural smelling but quite pleasant. The rinse smells a bit weird only because it has vinegar and lemon in it. Again, I love that all of these products are edible! I feel great knowing that I'm not rubbing chemicals into my body and no chemicals are being washed down the drain into the sewers and lakes from my tub. While I don't think this shampoo will work with my hair type (I have to wash it everyday as it gets quite greasy...I have straight, flat hair...) I still think it could be a product that works for someone with dryer hair. And the ingredients are completely wholesome.
I like that Mama Goode is Canadian and even more so, Ontarioan. Yes. That's now a word. To find out more about Mama Goode, her family, her products and what made her go all-natural, check out her website, it's a very neat story:
Keith sent me a Star article that was done on them a few weeks ago which is how I came to know about her and what she does.
That's it for Mama Goode for the moment, over and out!
- Beka
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