Sunday, August 12, 2012

Creamy Soft Scrub

A few months ago I attended a DIY Home Cleaners workshop led by Tracey Tief at Grassroots.

My life has never been the same - for real.

I learned how to make my own home cleaners and I've used them every single day since. This also led me to a DIY shampoo and conditioner workshop and a DIY suncreen workshop and multiple visits to Tracey's. But I'll save all of those things for another blog.

Just wanted to share about my absolute favourite DIY cleaner - the creamy soft scrub.
It's heavenly.

It'll make you want to clean.

It makes both Keith and I want to and enjoy cleaning. It's that magical.

The recipe is taken from Women's Voices for the Earth which I just found today has other great recipes. I learned all of these recipes that day as well, but today, as the subject says, is all about the creamy soft scrub.

This is how easy it is to make:

  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1/2 cup liquid castile soap 
  • 4 teaspoons vegetable glycerin (preservative) 
  • 5 or more drops essential oil (optional–try tea tree, rosemary or lavender)
  • Mix together and store in a sealed glass jar; shelf life of 2 years.

We use it on our stovetop, our sinks, our tub and our pet Miso's cage (he's a hedgehog and we scrub his wheel and dishes with it). Anything that needs a scrubbing, grab this stuff. It works so well. We use lavender as our essential oil and it smells so incredibly good. We actually enjoy cleaning our stovetop with it.

If I remember correctly, it only cost $2.63 to make 250ml. I'm on the last bit of mine and I've been using it every day for a good 5 or 6 months now. You only need a little bit - about a pea size or two for the bathroom sink and a nickel size or so for the bathroom tub. But I guess just be as generous as you need!

We've made it for friends and family and we've heard nothing but love for this stuff.

Try it! Or come over and we can have a creamy-soft-scrub-making-party. It is definitely something to party about.

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