Today is Day 30 of my 30 Day Challenge...I did it!
Mind you, there were days where I ran out of lemons and didn't have my lemon water first thing - I think 3 days I missed out on this. There were also some days when I didn't get in my 30 minutes of exercise but there were also days when I would do 1 hour of exercise or 1.5 hours of exercise. In my brain - these days made up for it. Hehe!
The results?
1. It's totally a lifestyle now. Lemon water, smoothies for breakfast and doing some kind of activity is now part of my everyday.
2. Weight-wise: I'm exactly the same weight. I didn't drop one pound - but I lost inches. All of my clothes fit me a lot better now and I feel and look better.
3. My body feels clean, my skin looks better and I have no desire to eat chips or donuts when I see these being eaten around me. That's huge!
4. I've changed/added other things that I didn't intend to at the beginning of the challenge. For example:
- My smoothies are even more packed with nutrients than originally planned. I've added kefir, hemp oil and flax seeds to them as well. The more nutrients the better!
- I added drinking a banana, almond milk, cacao powder and hemp heart smoothie every other day. It's delicious.
- I started dry brushing to detox even more (it can't hurt!) I don't know about getting rid of a pound of toxins (seems a little far fetched) but it feels amazing and I'm sure it's getting rid of extra toxins.
- I started eating salads for lunch. It just felt like the best thing to follow up my lemon water and smoothie mornings. I have a big leafy bowl of lettuce with goat cheese and pumpkin seeds most of the time and it's so good. I alternate between avacado dressing or balsamic vinegar dressing. So good.
- For dinners I've been trying to combine my foods better for example not eating starches with protein.
- I didn't buy a metropass this month so I've been doing a lot more cycling and walking.
So this is finally a good snowball effect. You make one lifestyle change and it can lead to so many other ones.
I'm so glad I gave myself this 30 day challenge. It did what I was hoping it would do - help me make healthy habits a lifestyle.