I was recommended this website a few months ago and was skeptical since it had a yearly fee. I don't like paying for things, ha! I didn't want to pay for something I could do myself. I tried it out for a month for free and was completely hooked. It only cost about $40 a year which equals $3.40 a month or about 83 cents a week. Totally worth it - trust me.
We've been eating so much "cleaner" since I try to get recipes that are healthy and fresh and try our best to purchase things based on the Dirty Dozen to keep things as toxin-free as possible. Because this site generates a shopping list for you based on the meals you choose, we only ever have those ingredients in our home so it's guaranteed healthy and we don't waste as much food. I know every week exactly what we're going to eat that week.
People who haven't seen me in awhile have been commenting on the weight I loss the past few months - I just started exercising this week so really, it's just been me eating fresh and clean consistently. And I find this has been a huge help with that.
If you get it, let me know! We can share recipe books! I have 187 recipes in my recipe book right now, ready and willing to share. Our user name is "Ly Home" if you want to share recipes.
Over and out.
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