Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ecoholic Home

Finished reading this book last week, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you Andréa for buying it! My awesome environmentalist cousin got it as a wedding shower gift for Keith and I, so great!
It's very easy to read, great product reviews that are actually helpful and so many DIY recipes to try out in your home.

As I was reading it was great to read about the products we already use and see that they got good reviews from the author Adria Vasil as well (a lot of Nature Clean stuff, w00t!).

It was neat to see how we're definitely on the right track but also how there is so much more to learn and consider. If you live in Canada, this is definitely a must read with many local shops mentioned and great Canadian-made products.

Some products/companies I will check out thanks to this book are:
Blue Wonder
Twist Clean
Zia and Tia
Pampered Chef (already knew about their products, but haven't purchased one yet!)
Pink Solution


I found a place that does something called Sunglitz. It doesn't strip away colour or use chemicals, it brings out your natural pigments in your hair. I don't get it. But it smelled good, like almond or something. No chemically smell. And I turn out blonder.

I'm sold.

Supposedly the guy who makes this product, when he's at his tradeshows etc. he'll eat his products just to show that they're natural. I love it. Because that's been my rule for the last bit - don't put anything on your skin that you wouldn't put in your mouth.

And if someone can eat the stuff that makes hair lighter, AWESOME.

Going back today for touch ups. 3rd time getting Sunglitz so far. Loving it.