Friday, October 12, 2012

Laundry Soap

I finally finished my Nature Clean liquid soap and am going to try this powder recipe for laundry soap! I learned it from the same DIY cleaning workshop led by Tracey Tief from Anarres Natural Health where I learned how to make the All Purpose Spray and Creamy Soft Scrub (a few blogs down).

 I've been meaning to make/use it but was caught up on my liquid Nature Clean since:
1. it's awesome
2. the washers in my building are liquid only.

But then I realized I could just mix this powder in some water before putting it in my machine - duh.

I'm going to try it out and will let you know how it works. The making-it part was really easy:
  • 1 cup soap flakes
  • 1/2 cup borax
  • 1/2 washing soda
Mix together.


Had to tie a scarf around my nose though - very easy to inhale powder! Since our lungs should only ever be breathing air, I thought I'd protect them.

I used the Eco Pioneer brand of products that I bought from Big Carrot. Ended up being about $11-$12 per box. But I think this will last me a long time. You only need about 3 tbsp per load.

After a few loads I'll let you know how I like it!

It's definitely cheap. And it's simple. I like simple. And heck, I'm a student - I like cheap.

Pure Borax - Eco-Pioneer - 2kgPure Washing Soda - Eco-Pioneer - 2kg