Friday, December 27, 2013

New Toothpaste Recipe

Wow, the last post was August! Can you tell I'm a student?

We've continued to use and make all of the things we've posted over the past few months and years, still loving them! Today I tried a new toothpaste though so I thought I'd share!

We've been using this toothpaste recipe from David Suzuki since October 2012 and love it. Every time Keith and I go to the dentist they don't stop commenting about our teeth and gums - it's a constant "wow" from them. When I was there last week the Hygienist said "you have no stains on your teeth, you don't drink coffee do you?" and I said "I sure do!" and she said "through a straw?!" I laughed and in my head thought my homemade toothpaste is awesome. Keith gets comments like this all the time as well and neither of us tell them we make our own toothpaste because we think they'll say something against it once they know it's homemade and natural.

This week I ran out of vegetable glycerin and haven't had a chance to pick up my order yet so we've been using the sample toothpaste from the dentist. Blech. But today I found this other recipe and made a batch until I pick up my vegetable glycerin. 

Natural Tooth Soap and Paste Recipe

  • 4 tsp baking soda
  • 2.5 tsp coconut oil 
  • 7 drops of peppermint essential oil

That's it! It felt a lot more smooth than the other one we use and a bit more sour for some reason? But my mouth still felt fresh and clean once I was done.

Good to have another option on hand. If we continue to like this one, we'll probably alternate recipes every time we run out.

Do you have another toothpaste recipe you like?

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